Herbal Massage

Herbal Massage

Thai herbal massage at Samranjai

Thailand is famous for its various massage techniques, and the Thai herbal ball massage is one of the most popular ones This is a special herbal massage in which a special blend of different herbs are collected, put into a muslin cloth, and tied into a ball. The cloth is then steamed so that the healing and soothing properties of the herb are intensified. This herbal ball mixes the oil and then used to rub on your body.

While the general benefits of Thai herbal massage are much like those of any other massage, there are some specific benefits that can be attributed to the herbs used for making the herbal ball.

As the herbal ball is heated, blood vessels in the body increase the amount of blood and oxygen circulating in the body. As more oxygen is made available to various organs, they become more efficient.


Chaussee 369 
22175  Hamburg


t: 040 / 688 96 479
m: 017 578 29 243
e: here

Opening hours

Monday - Friday              10:00 - 20:00
Saturday                          10:00 - 20:00
Sunday                                  Closed
Appointment by telephone only