Back, Shoulder, Neck Massage

Back, Shoulder and Neck

Back, Neck and Shoulder massage at Samranjai

A relaxing massage for those who don’t require any attention to the feet and legs. Using the same technique as Thai Oil Massage but focused on the most commonly problematic areas of the back, shoulders and neck. Modern day activities (such as being sat at a desk all day) encourage bad posture, and this places unnatural stresses on the neck and back.

Our massage can help to relieve the pain and tension. Whilst most people find this massage extremely relaxing, we still have to stress that this massage involves firm pressure being applied to skin and muscle tissue. If you require less pressure, please do ask.


Chaussee 369 
22175  Hamburg


t: 040 / 688 96 479
m: 017 578 29 243
e: here

Opening hours

Monday - Friday              10:00 - 20:00
Saturday                          10:00 - 20:00
Sunday                                  Closed
Appointment by telephone only